Artist:Ushijima Hitoshi(Japan)
Title:Matsukumo, Umikaze, Hashikekumo (Pine trees, clouds, sea
breeze and buoyant barge clouds.)
Withstanding strong sea winds, the work stands beautifully with roots firmly planted. It resembles branches and leaves blown by a fierce breeze, or like clouds, or even a ship. There it stands, solidly connected to the earth. A plaza with playground equipment for children will be built on the spacious grounds of Suzu Theater Museum. This Triennale marks its debut, with plans for further development in the future.
Ushijima Hitoshi(Japan)
1963年出生于福冈县久留米市(现居住于久留米市),80年代师从田中泯。 早期,他主要在欧洲和美国作为行为艺术表演者进行创作。 归国后,他一边在家里的游乐设备制造厂帮忙,一边创作他称之为雕刻游乐设施的作品。 (目前担任该公司代表)他的很多作品不仅是为了观看,还需要通过体验而产生互动,这些作品在参与者的手中移动和改变,同时使其发挥新的功能和意义。
-第二届大地艺术祭 越后妻有艺术三年展2003
Open ART 2017,瑞典厄勒布鲁
Born in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture in 1963, and currently resides there. Studied under Min Tanaka in the 1980s. After that, he was active mainly in Europe and America as a physical performer. After returning to Japan, he has been helping at his family's playground equipment factory as the company representative, and producing works which he refers to as "sculptures of playground equipment". Many of his works are characterized by the fact that they are not only seen, but also interacted with through experiences.
2nd Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2003
Fukuoka Asian Triennale 2002
Kanazawa Art Platform 2008
Open ART 2017, Orebro, Sweden
撮影:Fuji Hiroshi
《ころがるさきの玉 ころがるたまのさき》金沢21世紀美術館(石川)、2008年