A children’s tale about “Koki,” a paper airplane who travels around Noto observing illumination events and phenomena involving light. The story was written by the children’s book author Kimikimiyo. Children will complete the picture book by recreating what Koki saw with building blocks and LEDs in a “Readers’ Review Light Up” installation. Taizen been conducting research on art and design education for children using building blocks and light. Created with the children of Suzu while learning and having fun, the installation is also is also a communication activity that explores the beauty of “light” and conveys this excitement to viewers.
◎Date = October 21st (Sat), 22nd (Sun)
泰然:一位造型作家。 出生於長崎縣,畢業於九州大學研究所。 為日本文化廳文化藝術的推進培育兒童事業派遣藝術家,九州產業大學建築都市工業部住宅·室內裝潢學科副教授/兼任同大學人類科學部孩子教育學科。有共同著作「以孩子為中心的實踐中學習的保育內容總論」(建帛社刊)。
Kimikimiyo:一名童話作家。出生於福岡縣,畢業於福岡大學。 日本兒童文藝家協會正式會員,Kimikimiyo童話房間主持人。著作「喵喵和月亮」(文藝社刊)。
-泰然:2009年 小柴昌俊科學教育獎最優秀獎 測量工作坊「再現納斯卡線」
-泰然:2014年 日本建築師協會金立方獎學校部門特別獎 測量工作坊「模仿伊能忠敬描繪日本地圖」
-Kimikimiyo:2021年 日本新藥兒童文學獎故事部門最優秀獎童話「森林的鞦韆」
Taizen: Sculptor. Born in Nagasaki, graduated from Kyushu University Graduate School. Temp artist of the Agency for Cultural Affairs' Arts and Culture Child Development Promotion Project, Associate Professor of the Department of Housing and Interiors, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Engineering, Kyushu Sangyo University and the Department of Child Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Kyushu Sangyo University. Co-authored the book "Overview of Childcare Content Learned Through Child-centered Practice" (published by Kenpakusha).
Kimi Kimiyo: Writer of fairy tales. Born in Fukuoka, graduated from Fukuoka University. Member of the Japan Children's Writers Association and leader of Kimi Kimiyo's Fairy Tale Room. Author of the book "Nyanta and Otsukisama" (published by Bungeisha).
Representative exhibitions
-Taizen:2009 Masatoshi Koshiba Science Education Award Grand Prize for surveying workshop "Reproduction of Nazca Lines"
-Taizen:2014 Japan Institute of Architects Golden Cube Award School Category Special Prize for surveying workshop "Things like Tadataka Ino"
-Kimi Kimiyo: 2021 Nippon Shinyaku Children's Literary Award Story Category Grand Prize for children's story "Forest Swing"
あかりのありか≪のと≫「みつけじま」 (泰然/2023)