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城 保奈美〈日本〉


Artist:Honami Shiro(Japan)
Title:Mirage above the sea


Photo:Kichiro Okamura

「珠洲の海に 朝開きして 漕ぎ来れば 長浜の浦に 日照りにけり」奈良時代の公卿・歌人であっ た大伴家持の詠んだとされるこの歌にインスピ レーションを得て作品を制作。色とりどりのレー ス糸の重なりの中に、舟のかたちが浮かび上がる。 蜃気楼という幻想のような空間を進む大伴家持の 舟をイメージした作品。空っぽになった船小屋か ら臨む海と空の境目に、まるで幻のように珠洲の 風景が現れる。

This work is inspired by a poem by Otomo no Yakamochi, an eighth-century court noble and poet of the Nara period. The poem reads: “The moon rises over the sea of Suzu. I sail my ship and see Nagahama Bay by moonlight.” The shape of a boat emerges from overlapping, multicolored lace thread. The piece imagines Otomo no Yakamochi’s ship sailing through the fantastical space of a mirage. From an empty boathouse on the border between the sea and the sky, the scenery of Suzu appears as if in a vision.



城 保奈美〈日本〉

Honami Shiro(Japan)

和菓子職人の祖父が作る繊細な色彩と形の菓子に魅せられ幼少期から美術を志す。 外資系ラグジュアリー企業で勤務する傍ら、和歌や詩、言葉、音楽、場所から着想を得て制作をする。近年は生来の優れた色彩感覚を活かし、レース糸を用いたインスタレーション作品の展示を行う。 有形無形の日本古来に纏わる事への探求心から、秘境や山地への探索、寺社巡りや、華道、書道を創作活動に反映している。

-2021年度 卒業制作 WEB掲出作品選出

Born 1989 in Toyama Prefecture and now lives in Tokyo. Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Crafts and Industrial Design. She was fascinated by the delicate colors and shapes of the sweets made by her grandfather, a Japanese sweets maker, and aspired to become an artist from an early age. Working for a foreign luxury brand company, she draws inspiration from waka poems, poetry, words, music and places. In recent years, she has been exhibiting installation works that use lace yarn, making use of her innate sense of color. Her curiosity regarding things related to tangible and intangible Japanese ancient times is reflected in her exploration of unexplored regions and mountains, visiting temples and shrines, and creative activities including flower arrangement and calligraphy.  

Exhibition history 
2021 graduation work selected for online publishing Exhibited at the 
2018 ACT Art Awards Exhibition





