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シリン・アベディニラッド 〈イラン/アメリカ〉


Artist:Shirin Abedinirad(Iran / USA)
Title:Translucent Metamorphosis


 Photo:Kichiro Okamura

作家は海岸に落ちているシーグラスに着目。酒瓶がガラスの石に変わる様子から着想を得た。展 示会場はかつて漁具倉庫だった場所で、大量の漁 網が保管されていた。漁網を蔵の天井に張りめぐ らし、その上に割れた酒瓶を設置。そこに光を当 てることで、床にカラフルな影を投影する。常に 変化し続ける生命の本質を映し出す本作は、人間 の存在の儚さについて考えるきっかけを与えてく れる。

Sea glass along the coast caught the artist’s eye. She was inspired by the way sake bottles can turn into glass stones. A great number of fishing nets had been preserved at the venue, a former storehouse for fishing supplies. Abedinirad hung these nets from the ceiling of the storehouse and placed pieces of broken sake bottles on them. The light hitting the glass makes the space sparkle like a chandelier. Reflecting the ever-changing nature of life, this work is an opportunity to consider the ephemerality of human existence.




Shirin Abedinirad(Iran/USA)

自然をテーマにすることに魅了されるようになり、2013年、ランドアート、インスタレーション、パブリックアートの制作を開始。2014年3月、United Colors of Benettonのファブリカリサーチセンターで1年間の奨学生に選ばれた。イタリア滞在中、ファブリカの編集部で働きながら、Nazar Publicationから出版された「Fashion & Conceptual Art」という本を執筆した。 


Shirin Abedinirad was born in 1986, in Tabriz, Iran. In 2002, she began her artistic activities with painting. She first completed her academic studies in Graphic Design and later, Fashion Design, at Shariaty Technical College in Tehran, in which her research focused on conceptual art and the ways in which it overlaps with fashion design. During this time, she started engaging in performance art pieces around Iran, confronting issues of gender, sexuality, and human compassion. She has also staged many public shows. Since 2012, Shirin has been making video art, exploring the notion of self and identity with moving images. In both her performance art projects and videos, she was the performer as well as the designer of her own costumes, props, and sets.
She has become more captivated by nature as a central theme. In 2013, she thus began creating land art, installation projects, and public art by employing images of nature. In March 2014, Shirin was selected for a one-year scholarship with United Colors of Benetton’s Fabrica research centre. During her time in Italy, Shirin worked in Fabrica’s Editorial Department and authored a book titled Fashion & Conceptual Art published by Nazar Publication.
Currently based in the United States, Abedinirad’s art now encompasses a range of sculptural, installation, and moving image practices, including the large-scale mirrored construction for which she is best known. Abedinirad gives us the mirror as a kind of window-one through which we see a better world that was here along. She has exhibited work in a range of international venues, including the Times Art Museum (Beijing, Chengdu), the Museum on the Seam (Jerusalem), the Mana Contemporary Museum (New Jersey), the Venice Biennale, and the Andorra Land Art Biennale.

Three representative exhibitions
-Times Art Museum (Beijing, Chengdu)
-Museum on the Seam (Jerusalem) 
-Mana Contemporary Museum (New Jersey) 






《Tide #2》、北京時代美術館(北京)、2022年