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Artist:Chiharu Shiota(JAPAN/GERMANY)
Title:The Boat Which Carries Time


Photo:Kichiro Okamura

会場の旧清水保育所は目の前に海岸が広がり、いくつも塩田が広がる様子を見渡せる。奥能登の製塩業が廃れた後もただ独りで揚浜式製塩を守り続けた故・角花菊太郎氏のエピソードに触発され、 作家は珠洲の塩作りに関連した作品を制作。中央に配置された塩田用の砂取舟から、壁や天井まで赤い糸が張り巡らされ、塩作りの技術を守ってきた人たちの記憶や歴史に光をあてる。

Feeling a strong connection to her roots in the salt fields of the Otani area, the artist chose an old nursery school that overlooks the Sotoura coast as the location for her work. Suzu’s Agehama-style salt production, the only longstanding one of its kind in Japan, has been on the verge of disappearing several times. Red strings stretch from a sand boat that transported the high-quality sand to the fields, extending throughout the venue and spinning a history of the people who preserved and passed on the art of salt-making to the present.



Chiharu Shiota(JAPAN/GERMANY)

生と死という人間の根源的な問題に向き合い、「生きることとは何か」、「存在とは何か」を探求しつつ大規模なインスタレーションを中心に、立体、写真、映像など多様な手法を用いた作品を制作。 2007年、神奈川県民ホールギャラリーの個展「沈黙から」で芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞受賞。2015年、 第56回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際美術展の日本館代表として選出される。 主な個展に、スミソニアン博物館アーサー・Mサックラーギャラリー(14年)、高知県立美術館(13年)、丸亀市猪熊弦一郎 現代美術館(12年)、国立国際美術館(08年)など。 シドニービエンナーレ(16年)、釜山ビエンナーレ(14年)、瀬戸内国際芸術展(11年)、大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ(09年)などの国際展にも多数参加。 

Born in Osaka in 1972. Resides and works in Berlin.
Confronted with the fundamental issue of humans, life and death, she has presented dynamic installations with using various means including sculpture, photography, and moving images as she explore the questions such as “what it means to live” and “What is the existence”.Received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology´s Art Encouragement Prize for New Artists, Japan in 2008 for the solo exhibition, "From In Silence / Art Complex", held at Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery (2007, Japan). She was selected for the artist of the Japan pavilion in the 56th Venice Art Biennale in 2015 (Italy). Other major solo exhibitions were held at Smithsonian Institution Arthur M.Sackler Gallery, Washington, D.C. (2014, USA), The Museum of Art, Kochi (2014, Japan), Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, Kagawa (2012, Japan), The National Museum of Art, and Osaka (2008, Japan). She has also participated in many international art festivals including The 20th Biennale of Sydney (2016, Australia), Busan Biennale (2014, South Korea), Setouchi International Art Festival (2010, Teshima Japan), and Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale (2009, Japan).




“The Key in tha Hand”2015
Photo by Sunhi Mang 


“In Silence”2008
Photo by Sunhi Mang