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Artist:Hiroyuki Okumura(Japan/Mexico)
Title:Wind and Waves


Photo:Kichiro Okamura

作家の石彫を特徴づける「割戻し」という技法でつくられた、うねる波のような造形。白く輝く石 素材のテクスチャーは、陽光の当たり方によって異なる表情を見せ、時に優しく、時に荒々しい、 珠洲の波や風を思わせる。高い空と広い海という大自然に囲まれても、どっしりと安定した石彫は圧倒的な存在感を感じさせる。


Through the acts of “breaking and reverting” that characterize Okumura’s stone sculptures, the textures of the dazzlingly white stone materials and their undulating forms appear gentle or wild, depending on how the sunlight falls on them, or how they are perceived through the eyes and hands. Perhaps they are in synch with the waves and wind of Suzu. Standing firm in its natural setting against the height of the sky and the vastness of the sea, the stone’s weighty, massive presence radiates strength as a gift from the earth, drawing the viewer’s gaze with its sense of stability.

Cooperation=Sekigahara Human Village Museum of Life, Sekigahara Stone Co., Ltd.




Hiroyuki Okumura(Japan)


-2005年 カサ・ディエゴ・リベラ美術館(メキシコ)にて個展
―第33回 セルバンティーノ国際フェスティバルにて、在住作家として招待される。― 
-2016年 フェデリコ・シルバ現代彫刻美術館(メキシコ)にて個展
-2019年 マヌエル・フェルゲーレス抽象美術館(メキシコ)にて個展

Born in 1963 in Kanazawa, Ishikawa. Completed the master's course at Kanazawa College of Art in 1988. In 1989, he became interested in ancient Mexican civilization and Latin American culture, and moved to Mexico, where he continues his activities to this day. He produces works mainly in Mexico and creates sculptures using Mexican stone, predominantly marble. He also works with architects to create monuments. One of his representative monument works is the relief on the wall of the concert hall at Tlaqná, the cultural center of the University of Veracruz, Mexico.

Representative exhibitions
-2005 Solo exhibition at Casa Diego Rivera Museum (Mexico)― Invited as a resident artist at the 33rd Cervantino International Festival. ― 
-2016 Solo exhibition at Federico Silva Museum of Contemporary Sculpture (Mexico)
-2019 Solo exhibition at the Manuel Felgueres Museum of Abstract Art (Mexico)




《canal lavita》2005年


《Puertas abiertas》2013年