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Artist:Kodue Hibino(Japan)
Title:Door to Yourself


Photo:Kichiro Okamura



For this session of the Oku-Noto Triennale in 2023, Hibino calls on locals to create an outdoor stage by laying turf on the grounds of Suzuzuka so that more people can participate in performances. Suzuzuka aims to be a continuously evolving place where people routinely gather, connecting with each other and the location through the medium of costumes. It started out as a small space, but before anyone realized, it transformed from something small into a large costume that enfolds people.

"Come and Go" 
◎Date = October 7th (Sat), 8th (Sun), 9th (Monday holiday) 11:00 
◎Fee: 1000 yen in advance, 1500 yen on the day (1300 yen with passport), 500 yen for elementary, junior high and high school students 
◎Date = October 7th (Sat) and 8th (Sun) 17:30 
◎Fee: 1,500 yen in advance, 2,000 yen on the day (1,800 yen with passport), 500 yen for elementary, junior high and high school students 
◎Date = October 14th (Sat), 15th (Sun) 11:00 
◎Fee: 1,500 yen in advance, 2,000 yen on the day (1,800 yen with passport), 500 yen for elementary, junior high and high school students




Kodue Hibino(Japan)


目前负责NHK E-TV《Nihongo de Asobo》的服装设计。曾负责歌舞伎《野田版之利龙之斩》、《樱花林盛开时》等多部舞台服装,以及《人物》、《人物》等现代剧的服装设计。野田秀树编剧并执导的《假矛》和《Q》。负责新国家剧院舞蹈《马戏团》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》和《小王子》的 KAAT 服装设计。目前正在表演《LIVE BONE》、《WONDER WATER》、《Humanoid LADY》、《FLY,FLY,FLY》、《Rinne》、《Piece to Peace》、《UP AND DOWN》、《ROOT》、《MAMMOTH》和“RYU”。参加奥能登三年展2017、2020+、越后妻有艺术节2018、濑户内国际艺术节2019、2022。 2018年个展“60rokuju”市原湖畔美术馆。 2019年个展“舞蹈在福”太宰府天满宫/九州国立博物馆,2021年个展“住在森林里的衣服”崇光美术馆,2022年个展“住在神秘森林里的衣服”熊本市现代美术馆。 2021纪伊国屋剧场奖 个人奖

Born in Shizuoka Prefecture, she graduated from the Design Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts.
As a costume artist, her work has been presented in a wide variety of projects including advertising, theater, dance, ballet, film and television. She is the director of costuming and set design for NHK Educational TV’s "Nihongo de Asobo". She has also created costumes for many theatrical productions, including "Togitatsu no Utare, Noda Edition” Kabuki, “The Character”, "Footprint Princess" and “Faux In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom”, all written and directed by Hideki Noda. She also designed costumes for the dance performances "Circus” at the New National Theater, and "Alice in Wonderland". "LIVE BONE", "WONDER WATER", "Humanoid LADY", "FLY, FLY, FLY", "Rinne", and "Piece to Peace" performances are currently under development. She participated in the Okunoto International Art Festival 2017, the Earth Art Festival 2018 and the Setouchi International Art Festival 2019. “60 rokuju" exhibition at Ichihara Lakeside Museum in 2018 "Dance the Ifuku in Dazaifu” costume exhibition at Tenmangu Shrine and dance performance at Kyushu National Museum in 2019. Her "Small Creatures Institute" workshops are held every month at Shibuya LOFT. 




『WONDER WATER/ホワイトアスパラガス(谷口界、ハチロウ)』
Photo by 出口敏行 


『Piece to Peace/島地保武、酒井はな』
Photo by 出口敏行