Artist:N.S. Harsha (India)
Title:Answer me
Photo:Kichiro Okamura
The artist combined flotsam that reached the coast of Suzu with an incident involving a giraffe exchange program at an Indian zoo. In this age when hometowns and regionality are being lost, Harsha has created a parent-and-child pair of lost giraffes. The mother gazes at the sea while the baby busily nurses. Telescopes and other objects representing a search for answers to life on earth are attached like garlands around their necks. The work seems to ask us, “Where is home?” Is there a home to return to? If so, where could it be?
N.S. Harsha (India)
1969年出生於印度邁索爾。現時於邁索爾為據點生活與工作。 2012年被選參加DAAD的柏林藝術交流計畫,2008年獲得阿爾特斯·孟迪獎。 近年來,他參加了隨著20國集團第17次峇里島高峰會而舉辦的團展「Constellations:Global Reflections(CGR)」。 以印度為主,在美國、倫敦等參加世界各地的個展和團展。在日本則有參加森美術館、東京梅松愛馬仕、橫濱三年展、堂島雙年展等的經驗。
代表性展覽會經歷、獲獎經歷 –個展「N.S.Harsha:Facing」格林維安藝術畫廊(英國威爾士,2018年) –個展「N・S・哈爾沙展:魅力之旅」森美術館(日本,2017年) -阿爾特斯-孟迪獎(2008年) -參加DAAD柏林藝術家交流計畫(2012年)
Born in 1969, NS Harsha lives and works in Mysore, India. He was a recipient of the prestigious DAAD Scholarship in 2012 and was awarded the Artes Mundi Prize in 2008.
The artist was recently part of the group exhibition Constellations: Global Reflections (CGR), organized to coincide with the 17th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit in Bali.
Representative exhibitions or awards
- 2018 N.S. Harsha: Facing, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea, Wales, UK
-2017 N.S.Harsha: Charming Journey To The Cosmic Via Southern India, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo
-2008 Artes Mundi Prize
-2012 DAAD Scholarship
© Artist & Victoria Miro《Look into my Eyes》2004年
© Artist & Victoria Miro《Untitled》2019年