Artist:Ana Laura Aláez(Spain [Basque])
补助金=西班牙文化行动 (AC/E)
The work is installed on a rocky coastal outcrop with views of the setting sun on the horizon, restored salt fields, mountain-side rice fields cut into the coast, and the unique satoyama/satoumi inland and oceanside scenery of Suzu. The artist imagined the work taking the form of the Tree of Knowledge there, as if reflecting the human experience. “It’s as if I’ve depicted a ‘human-like nature’ or a tree that exists in another world,” she remarked. The tree, a source of power from the past, points to another future, creating a place where all generations, young and old, can come together.
Grant = Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)
Cooperation = Spanish Royal Academy
Ana Laura Aláez(Basque, Spain)
出生于西班牙比尔巴鄂地区。在2022-2023年期间,获得资助计划前往罗马的西班牙皇家学院居住。 2008年,她因作品《光之桥》首次来到日本十和田市现代艺术馆。2019年,由西班牙"Multiverso-BBVA Foundation"的项目支持,再次到访东京和十和田市进行影像作品《Queer Bearers: The double and the repetition》的素材拍摄。这部短片在国际舞蹈电影节(2021,2022年)、2021年的波尔图电影节、基辅国际短片电影节(2021年)等电影节上获得国际关注,还在奥伯豪森国际短片电影节上(2021年)获得了观众奖。 在2013年,她获得了巴斯克政府颁发的“Gure Artea奖”以表彰其艺术生涯和对当代艺术和文化的贡献。 此外,她在室内设计、西班牙版"Vogue"、"NEO 2"和"B-guided"的图片编辑和撰写等多个领域都活跃着。同时,她也积极参与教育活动,并指导了许多课程和研讨会。 她与音乐二人组Silvania一起录制了专辑 "Girls on Film",这是一张为视频作品创作的音乐汇编。 她目前还在与音乐家Ascii.disco合作进行一个项目。
-《Queer Bearers:The double and the repetition》在比尔巴鄂美术馆展出(西班牙,2021年)
-个展《Beauty Cabinet Prototype》在巴黎东京宫展出(巴黎,2003年)
Ana Laura Aláez, born in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
At the moment she is living in the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, thanks to a grant between 2022-2023.
Her first trip to Japan was in 2008 for her installation Bridge of Light for Towada Art Center in Towada City. In 2019 she traveled to Tokyo and Towada City again to film some material for her video Queer Bearers: The double and the repetition, thanks to a Spanish grant Multiverso-BBVA Foundation. This short film got some international attention in film festivals like International Dance Film Festival Japan in 2021 and 2022, Porto Femme 2021, and Kyiv International Short Film Festival 2021 and was the Audience Award Winner of the 57. Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen in 2021.
In 2013, she received the Gure Artea Award from the Basque Government in recognition of her artistic career and her contribution to contemporary art and culture.
Ana Laura Aláez has undertaken various initiatives in the fields of interior design, and publishing (as picture editor and writer for the Spanish magazines: Vogue, NEO 2, and B-guided. )
She has also been very active in the educational arena, leading numerous courses and workshops.
In collaboration with the musical duo Silvania, she recorded an album titled Girls on Film, a compilation of the musical scores composed specifically for several of the videos she had produced up to that point. She currently works with the musician Ascii.disko.
Representative exhibitions
-Queer Bearers: The double and the repetition, Museo de Bellas Artes (Bilbao, Spain, 2021)
- Bridge of Light. Towada Art Center (Towada City, Japan, 2008)
-Beauty Cabinet Prototype. Palais de Tokyo (Paris, 2003)
《Bridge of Light》十和田市現代美術館、2008年
《Trayectoria – Like gold and faceted》、2014年